We're here! We made it! The flight was great, excellent food, hard to sleep though. So we arrived a little tired but excited and ready to explore.
First Impressions
The first thing that struck us about Hong Kong was how clean and organised it is. There are so many forms of transport, and excellent roads. Every sign has English and Chinese (Mandarin? sorry i'm ignorant when it comes to asian languages), and almost everyone in tourism, transport and hospitality speaks English.

The air in the morning and at night is very foggy, and during the day there is a bit of smog and air pollution. You can see people wearing face masks on the street like surgeons, to protect their lungs.
Lost in Kowloon

Despite the organised road system, disoriented travellers such as ourselves might find it a little hard to locate their accomodation. We got off at the right bus stop, but proceeded to walk in every direction but the one that lead to our hostel. Our Octopus transport cards which kind of function like a debit card, made jumping on buses at the last second much easier to do.
Eventually we found our hostel on the seventh floor of one of the hundreds of high rise apartment buildings. There's an open air balcony where we can look out over the dirty tenement housing and a little alley way that makes up most of this building. We left our backpacks here and went off to have lunch at a place that the hostel manager recommended.

The restaurant reminded me of Hard Rock cafe on Chapel St. Maybe it was the little booths. There seems to be a TV in each restaurant. This one was blaring a dramatic asian soapie. Pretty funny to watch when you don't understand what's going on.
Stanley Market

We took the subway and a double decker bus to get to the famous Stanley Market on Hong Kong Island. The bus ride was amazing! We were at the front of the top floor with views of the coastline and little islands.

The ride through the city in Hong Kong was like riding through a concrete jungle, but when we got closer to Stanley, we almost thought we were by the Mediterranean Sea. The little roads curved around the coastline, with big Tuscan houses and huge hotels everywhere. There's definitely a strong influence from Britain, and consequently Europe.

Stanley Market was gorgeous! There was a beautiful colonial building by the water's edge, which is now filled with posh restaurants. Everything here is expensive, and the restaurants have mostly European food. It was so beautiful though, and the bus ride was worth the whole trip.
We noticed on the ride back, that most of the cars here are either extremely old or extremely new and expensive. Every new car is a Mercedes, BMW or lexus. There is no middle ground here when it comes to cars.
Mid-level Escalators

For those that don't know, this escalator system is the longest undercover escalator to be built in the world. It's massive! We took the escalator all the way to the top, which takes about 20 minutes, but we got off at Hollywood road for a while, to check out the little antique shops, and roadside stalls.

Hollywood road was really cute, and Loren is regretting not buying some of the cute little artifacts that she found there. Still being cautious on the first day about filling her pack with souvenirs.
Botanical and Zoological Gardens

The Peak
From the peak, you can see the best views of Hong Kong, especially at night. The Peak is a huge mountain, and there's also a tower on top for even better views. We took the tram to the top, which goes 45 degrees or steeper at some points in the climb. The city lights looked amazing from the top of the tower, but it was so freezing out on the terrace.

Dinner at Causeway Bay

We were planning on checking out the night life in Lan Kwai Fong, which is supposed to be pretty great, and Sunday nights are big for going out here, but we were exhausted by this point, so we limped home, nursing sore shoulders and feet, but happy hearts.
I'm really impressed your blog. Great commentary and great photos. It was really interesting for me.
I added your blog to my rss sources, so I'll be checking it every day :)
Have fun!!!
Loren and Artur,
So glad to hear that you arrived safely!!! Hong Kong looks great! We're amazed how great the blog is!
Dad, Mum and Hali
hey you two beauties,
great to hear from you and congrats for choosing the adventure.
We remember Hong Kong, had three days there last June, so we enjoyed reading your blog very much.
Hope to catch you somewhere along the trip, and of course we'd be so happy if you made it to our wedding in september.
let's see, we'll definitely catch up before that.
love to you both,
looking very forward to meeting you soon Loren :-)
andre & bianca
Wow you guys- so cool to read what you are getting up to! This is going to be awesome to actually see your photos and read your stories at the same time!
Keep up the great work and have the best time of your lives! :D
Love Dave and Emma
Hi Mum, Dad and Hali!
Great to hear from you! We'll keep you updated with more posts soon.
Love you,
Hi Emma and Dave!
We stayed somewhere last night called Asia Hotel, that looked like one of the pictures you showed me of your honeymoon. Was it the same place?
Love you,
hej bracie,
ciesze sie, ze jestes entuzjastycznie nastawiony do naszego blogu. wszystkiego opisywac po agielsku nie bedziemy z wiadomych wzgledow. nie wdajac sie w detale zycie nocne bangkoku warte jest eksploracji. obejrzyj film australijski priscilla ktory ci kiedys podarowalem to zrozumiesz co mam na mysli :)
Hey Andre and Bianca,
Great to hear from both of you. I hope your scooter is not covered in too much dust. Definitely would love to catch up with you somewhere before arriving in Europe. Just keep us posted about your travel dates in India.
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