Dim Sum
After a nice sleep-in, we went off searching for a dim sum restaurant, as we had heard it was 'very Hong Kong'. We ended up in a restaurant called 'London Restaurant'. Surprisingly, we were the only westerners there, and the food was great! They came around with trolleys full of dishes of dumplings, spring rolls, shrimp wrapped in rice noodles and much more. Artur was surprised that one of the potato dishes we were served, was very much like one that his Lithuanian Grandmother Hela used to make.

We flew out that night for Bangkok on Emirates Airline. Loren was thrilled by the scarves and hats that the Saudi Arabian airline hostesses were wearing (first time on a Emirates flight).
New Friend
While we were practicing some Thai phrases, we met a Thai man, Andrew, who was sitting next to us. He is the owner of several clothing factories in Thailand and Hong Kong. We had a great time chatting to him about the fashion industry and his travels around the world, and to the pret-a-porter fashion shows in Paris. He offered us a place at his home for the night, and to show us around Bangkok, but it was a little difficult because it was a weekday and he had to work. Hopefully we'll see him if he comes to Australia.

Loren's Favorite Drink - Honey Green Tea. Finally a flavoured tea that is not too sweet!
You guys sure pack a lot into a little time!
News from home: Sold Dad's car day after posting it on carsales.com.
Artur's Wiz card arrived and is being posted to Poland unless you want it sooner?!?
Oh man, I love Hong Kong, reading about your adventures there makes me wish i was there so much. Sounds like you guys are having so much fun, miss you both! xoxo
Hi Mum and Dad!
Great to hear about Dad's car! How's my car looking? Is he enjoying driving it around at work? Did you get a good price?
Artur says it's fine to send it to Poland, we probably won't stay anywhere long enough to get it.
Interested in any DVDs or software while we can get it cheap for you? Ask Emma and Dave and Hali. Also, do you have any ideas for Dave's B'day present, just so we can keep an eye out. Reply by email obviously.
Did you get my email about catching up on skype? We have had good access to it lately. Let me know when you're free to talk.
Love you heaps,
Loren and Artur
Hey Sez,
Great to hear from you. Hong Kong was great! It has already left us with great memories. We are in Cambodia now, heading to Vietnam tomorrow. More to come on the blog soon.
How is your training for Oxfam going? Say 'hello' to vanilla face aka Denz.
Artur and Loren
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